Marianne Kris Memorial Lecture 

The Marianne Kris lecture is a memorial to her, a much-loved and respected leading child analyst in her day, a great classical clinician and author of many papers, in the footsteps of Anna Freud from the ideological point of view. The Marianne Kris Lecture is presented at the Annual Meeting by selection of the sitting ACP President. 





Sydney Anderson, PhD

Looking through the hourglass: The importance of our words and actions in contemporary child psychoanalysis

Jill Miller, Ph.D.

Some Thoughts on Interpretation in Child Psychoanalysis 


Rona Knight, Ph.D.

Turning Psychoanalysis On It's Head: Examining Historical Theories of Child Development


Claudia Lament, Ph. D.                                                      Useful Untruths: Pluralism in Child Analysis


James Herzog, M.D.

Child Psychoanalysis and Social Justice


Carla Elliott-Neely, Ph.D.

The Role of the Analyst as a Developmental Object In Therapeutic Action 


Alan Sugarman, Ph.D.

Promoting a Sense of Self-As-Agent in Child Psychoanalysis


Anne Alvarez, Ph.D.

The Thinking Heart: Three Levels of Analytic Work with Severely Disturbed Children


Claudia Lament, Ph.D.

Inventing the Future


Wendy Olesker, Ph.D., P.C.

The Development and Transformation of Aggression In One Research Subject Over Fifty Years


Ruth Karush, M.D.

Postscripts: Reflections on the Post-Termination Phase


Paul Brinich, Ph.D.

Developmental Lines and Phases in Child Analysis


Kristen Dahl, Ph.D.

Bitter Harvest: The Centrality of the Oedipal Narrative in the



Stanley Leiken, M.D.

People, Psychoanalysis and Huckleberry Finn


Denia Barrett, MSW

Mum's the Word: Are We Becoming Silent on Masturbation?


Leon Hoffman, M.D.

Separation and Castration Reactions: The Impact of Opposite- Sex Siblings


Thomas F. Barrett, Ph.D.

Manic Defenses Against Loneliness in Adolescence


Judith F. Chused, M.D.

The Development of a Psychoanalyst


Theodore Jacobs, M.D.

On the Adolescent Neurosis


Robert Tyson, M.D.

Helen Keller-A Psychoanalytic Enigma


Arthur Rosenbaum, M.D.

Writing About Treatment Process: The Writer and the Psychoanalyst


Donald Rosenblitt, M.D.

Translating Psychoanalysis from the Playroom to the Classroom: Opportunities and Choices


Moisy Shopper, M.D.

The Illusion of Parental Celibacy, A Necessary Phase in  Adolescent Development


Kerry Kelly Novick and Jack Novick, Ph.D.

Reclaiming the Land


Peter Blos, Jr., M.D.

Countertransference: Problems and Issues in the Analysis of Children


Donald Cohen, M.D.

Integration in the Development of the Mind: Anna Freud's Developmental Lines and Concept of Mental Harmony as a Framework for Understanding the Neuropsychiatric Disorder of Childhood


Peter Fonagy, Ph.D. and Mary Target, Ph.D.

The Changing Aims of Child Psychoanalysis: The Interface with Empirical Data


Henry Seidenberg, M.D., Harry Trosman, M.D., Samuel Weiss, M.D., and Colin Webber

Jim Dine: Childhood Stories


Heiman Van Dam, M.D.

The Childhood of Anne Frank and its Relationship to her Diary Writing


Robert Furman, M.D.

Some Aspects of the Analyst-Analysand Relationship


E. James Anthony, M.D.

Adolescence as a Target of Psychoanalytic Inquiry


Jules Glenn, M.D.

The Child is the Father of the Man: A Discussion of Wordworth's "Ode: Intimations of Immortality" and his Secret Sharers


Ema Furman

On Feeling and Being Felt With


Eleanor Galenson, M.D.

Gender Identity Disorder: A Misnomer


Peter Blos, Ph.D.

A Reformation of the Psychoanalytic Theory of Adolescence with a Discussion of its Implications for Clinical Work with Children, Adolescents, and Adults


Anne Marie Sandler

Comments on Phobic Mechanisms in Childhood


Samuel Ritvo, M.D.

Longitudinal Study Revisited: A Dynamic Biography from Infant Observations, Childhood Analysis, and Follow-Up to Mid-30's Maturity


Peter Neubauer, M.D.

Disturbances in Object Representation


Marjorie Harley, Ph.D.

Child Analysis: A Retrospective


Hansi Kennedy

Growing Up With a Handicapped Sibling


Albert J. Solnit, M.D.



Sally Provence, M.D.

Struggling Against Deprivation: A Case Study

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